Reserva La Tigra

Proof of Biodiversity in the Heart of the World

Wildlife NFT holders will be able to see animals from the jungle of Santa Marta as they appear on a wildlife camera set up in a remote place on the Reserva la Tigra. These NFTs allow supporters to get a glimpse of Life in the Sierra Nevada, and to build connections with the living jungle on the land
See impact storyline
NaN% of total estimated carbon emissions retired NaN out of 173.243 tons

Your donation will offset 0.00 tons of carbon


1 ton of carbon = USD 0


One wallet confirmation required

NFT Receipt


Status: Not Yet Minted

Complete the donation to claim NFT

September 19, 2024

Reserva La Tigra

EIN: n/a

Donation amount

0.00 USD*

*USD is a publicly traded crypto-currency with a direct monetary value

Monetary Value*

0.00 USD

*At the time of transaction

Donated By


No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution. Reserva La Tigra is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.

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